Saturday, August 31, 2019

Quality Improvement

Using the notion of correct process management can definitely influence the business operation of a company. Primarily, a single process in the manufacturing sector can predict whether quality can be achieved on products or services offered to the end consumers. That is why it is very important to monitor the quality process of each segment within an organization.The company in reference for process management is Wet Seal. The business is involved in the garments sector and in the distribution of apparel products for retailing and wholesaling. In line with this, the process to be analyzed is the Quality Control maintenance procedure. Primarily, this department is involved in making sure that the products meet the standards imposed by the company to designate customer satisfaction principles (Tech Target, 2006). Even though the main objective of the office is to induce customer satisfaction, the procedures do not have a formal platform which can be followed by all quality check person nel. In line wit this dilemma, an improvement in re-structuring the quality analysis program is needed.The first main process in the Quality Control (QC) department is to obtain the apparel products from the distribution department which must acquire products from different distributors. Since the products are all mixed up, the first task of the Q.C. team is to segregate the merchandises according to brand. This makes it easier to identify the distributor which could have delivered sub-standard items. The next procedure is to assign the items to divided teams within the department. Say for example team â€Å"A’ is assigned to Brand â€Å"A†, team B is assigned to Brand â€Å"B† and so on.This makes sure that each item from specific manufacturers is catered for quality check. On a team level, each of the members of the team will be distributed with at least 50 pieces of clothing styles. Each of the personnel will then conduct a thorough evaluation of each of the products’ integrity. Some of the most important aspects are identified in terms of seam strength, type of cloth material used, color saturation, and possible runs within the cloth. Once a piece of apparel is identified to be of good quality, it will then be marked with a sticker of approval.To have an illustrative identification of the proposed process, a diagram is provided below:Distribution Dept. à   Quality Control Dept à   Team Assignment (By brand) à  End User ß   Runs Check ß Â  Color Check ß Material Check ß Seam StrengthIf the strategic plan of the company is to be considered, the process involved within the Quality Check segment may have the most influential impact. This is so because primarily, the only investment that Wet Seal is involved with is the distributorship of the prodders to local market dealers. Because of such a case, it is directly involved on how each of its partner dealers will perform. Mainly, the process of quality check integra tes the notion of good investment value and customer satisfaction. For example, if the QC team was able to identify defective products or those that do not meet quality levels set by the company, Wet Seal can then send back the items to the manufacturers for possible replacements of refunds.This can save the business lots of money since it will be able to prevent the distribution of defective items from reaching the base market. Therefore it can save at least half of the chain process of sending the items back from the end-user to the manufacturer since Wet Seal stands as a â€Å"middleman†. On the aspect of passive profitability, if the processes in the Quality Department was able to send only items attuned to the demands of the consumers, then quality will result to greater customer confidence which in the long run can become a source of continuous market purchases. Of course, consumer satisfaction has a direct link to market performance (Hampshire, 2003).When it comes to p rocedure effect to the customers, the processes in the Quality Department affects both internal and external clients. Basically, internal clients are identified to be that of entities which have long been partners of Wet Seal in apparel distributorship. In some notions, external customers can also affect the satisfaction of internal customers depending on the business arrangement (Lewis, 2008).The main effects of quality assurance factors can be realized by being able to strengthen the bonds of business between a dealer and semi-distributor units. On the other hand, external customers can also benefit in the processes of quality checks since these newly established partners of Wet Seal will get a first hand experience of what the company can actually offer. There will be fewer chances for them to be involved in problematic business schemes since the quality assurance principles are already establishedBy the time all the members of the organization become aware of the improvement in the quality check procedures, Wet Seal can then delegate an approach to use a Quality Management Tool to see whether there is an effect (be it negative or positive) of doing the improvements within the department concerned. The most appropriate tool for measuring success is by conducting a survey study which will generate raw data for analysis. Wet Seal can invest a little more to study the direct patterns of consumers based on the supposedly â€Å"quality† items that have passed the Quality Check department. Dealers can be used to become channels in getting direct responses from their respective customers.A carefully structured satisfaction survey can provide enormous info for the company’s decision-making capabilities (Welsh Assembly Government). On the other hand, a time-framed monitoring process can also be used to see whether the personnel are actually doing the right checking procedures of the products. Upon completing the data representing the consumer satisfact ion ratings, amount of check errors and overall experience of the company, a statistical tool can then be used to analyze whether there was an actual progress in profitability after the improvement was made.Since statistical analysis scan provide a certain number level of correlation, what Wet Seal can do is to utilize the data to see whether the initiative for improvement directly relates to that of the company’s metrics. An opportunity to ratify the main quality check process is also possible if the main errors are identified in it as according to the surveyed data values.It would be good to at least estimate the level of improvement on profit margins based on the ratification of the Quality Control processes. One thing which can be realized is that a reduction of distributing defective products to the open market may increase sales values. Of course, it wouldn’t be feasible to provide a certain percentage value but most probably, customer satisfaction equates to gre ater credibility effects towards the products.Identifying the weakness of a process in business can greatly affect the overall productivity of the company. Since each procedure influences the totality of the organization’s management style, it would only be appropriate to find problematic units of the company to help it resolve posing dilemmas and maintain the stability of the operation. In line with using the principle of Quality Management, an organization can be relieved from the potential experience of encountering market problems.ReferencesHampshire, S. 2003. Customer satisfaction, loyalty and profit – understanding the links. Customer Focus Consulting. Retrieved January 26, 2008 from Target. 2006. Quality Assurance. Tech Target-The IT Media Experts. Retrieved January 26, 2008 from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Leaders: Born and Made Essay

A large amount of research is carried out around ‘are leaders born or made?’ studies have shown that genetics and the environment both play a part in leadership development. However, the relative contribution of each is subject to much scientific debate. For example, intelligence plays a part in leadership development, as does emotional intelligence. Certain personality traits such as self-confidence, dominance and extroversion also play an important role. The family often influences us, as does the national and organisational culture. some individuals may have the potential to lead, but were never given the opportunity. And, some believe they cannot lead, when they could have. However, most leaders would no doubt agree with the words of the American football coach Vince Lombardi who said, â€Å"Contrary to the opinion of many, leaders are not born. Leaders are made, and they are made by effort and hard work.† Vince Lombardi once stated, â€Å"Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.† For centuries, this has been a debate one that continues into society today. There are many opinions on this topic, but one thing is certain; all leaders are born, effective leaders are made. Every leader must be born with certain characteristics that distinguish them above their peers. One such characteristic is intelligence. Effective leaders aren’t necessarily the smartest people, but they have to be smart enough to do the job they’re assigned. Another trait is the ability to motivate others and themselves to achieve results, and to make decisions. These essential traits, ones that any leader must possess, are the foundation for the making of an effective leader. Not a single leader was ever born with all the necessary skills to be an effective leader. Leadership is an apprentice trade, and most leaders learn more than 80% on the job. To become effective  leaders must do one important thing; take responsibility and seek self-improvement. The most successful leaders seek out training that provides them an opportunity to expand their leadership abilities. Goldsmith and Morgan studied the progress of over 88,000 managers that had attended leadership development training. Those that returned from the training, talked about what they had learned, and did deliberate work to apply their learning were judged as becoming more effective leaders. Those that did not showed no improvement.() This goes to prove that leaders are born, effective leaders are made. Leaders must always continue to grow, and an effective leader makes learning a lifelong activity. Effective leaders continually seek out opportunities that will allow them to develop new skills that may be utilized in other areas. Effective leaders also seek out projects or jobs that draw attention to their leadership skills. Performance alone will not get you to the top in your career. An effective leader makes themselves visible to those that make decisions, promotions, a nd assignments. Leaders become more effective when they seek new skills, and make themselves stand out to higher leaders. Providing yet even more evidence that leaders are born, effective leaders are made. Though there is no true means to tell if leaders are born or made, but there are two things evident. First, all people are born, so in effect all leaders are born. They are born with the foundational traits that leaders must possess. Second, leaders only become effective through experience or when taught the skills to be effective. This tends to lead to the opinion that effective leaders are both born and made. References Bock, W. (2006). Three Star Leadership. Retrieved November 21, 2013, from Official site of Wally Bosch: Gentry, W., Deal, J. J., Stawiski, S., & Ruderman, M. (2012, March). Are Leaders Born or Made? Retrieved November 21, 2013, from Center for Creative Leadership:

Thursday, August 29, 2019


These struggles are depicted through music. Upon further research, I discovered Amandla is a Nguni word meaning power. Amandla was produced by Sherry Simpson Dean and Lee Hirsch. The film is shown in chronological order, and also augmented with archival footage from historical events. Blacks in South Africa were denied many basic human rights while the world ignored. In 1948, the Afrikaner Nationalist arose, and during the 1950s, apartheid policies were being implemented. Black South Africans were taken from their homes and forced to live in townships, where they had to carry passbooks, were meaninglessly tortured and killed, and also could be arrested for no reason at all. Although their freedom was inhibited, they expressed their pain through song. Currently, despite the lingering problems within South Africa, blacks and whites live amongst each other. The movie pays great homage to the songs of protest that halted Apartheid. Amandla begins with Prime Minister Verwoerd declaring racial segregation in 1948. It is said to be â€Å"a policy of good-neighborliness. † Vuyisile Mini, a composer whos creation of protest songs eventually led to his hanging, is also being exhumed from his grave. Scenes from the Sharpeville Massacre, the Soweto uprising, and Nelson Mandelas joyous election to the office of President in 1994 are all depicted in great detail. Mini is given a proper burial at the end of the film. The film explains how the songs touched people different from speeches or demonstrations. Different stages of the struggle for equality brought upon different songs. For example, Minis song â€Å"Beware Vorwoerd† and Vilakazis â€Å"Meadowlands. † These songs, and many others, showed how diligent the South African people were about their cause, and also was a symbol of the energy they had in completing their mission. Although music is a major aspect of the film, the interviews with those who had first-hand experience to the events. Many (like Abdullah Ibrahim, Hugh Masekela, and Miriam Makeba) were sent to prison or exiled. They spoke in great detail of how homesick they were and how hurtful it was not to be able to return to South Africa. White police officers and executioners are even interviewed. The climax of the film is Nelson Mandelas release from prison with thousands of people happily singing and cheering his return from prison. He is eventually elected to president of South Africa. Although South Africa has much work ahead of it, it has progressed. People are battle against crime, corruption, poverty and AIDS. Amandla is a great affirmation to the past and gives inspiring hope towards the future of South Africa. It captured moments in history, while still explaining the present problems that exist, including the process of rapprochement. This film also does a good job of explaining that music has, and always will, play an important role in the complicated history of South Africa.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Exploration on Intelligence Operations Essay

The Exploration on Intelligence Operations - Essay Example Ideally, ILP addresses security threats and establish mechanisms within a community that help in identifying the initiation and growth of crime. The inclusion of improved intelligence operations, community policing and problem-solving in ILP derives fundamental benefits in defining federal security (Bureau of Justice Assistance 2). In a world where criminal tactics are evolving (Boba-Santos 52-57), the American intelligence community had to develop and adopt improved intelligence operations and effective mechanisms of managing intelligence analysis (Clark 8-11). Clearly, Clark demonstrates that the concept of intelligence led policing defines a finer and more effective intelligence intelligence-led guarantees increased security and reduced crime (102-105). With ILP, law enforcement officers have gained the capacity to make effective and timely security decisions that help in curbing national and global crime (Bureau of Justice Assistance 4). Indeed, ILP reduces crime rate since the i mproved intelligence operations help in identifying crime and criminals (Bureau of Justice Assistance 9). This emanates from the fact that ILP concentrates on key criminal activities where is enhances the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of criminals. ILP supports community policing that helps in targeting criminals, managing crime, investigating crime, and preventing crime in the community (Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services 2). Moreover, the combination of community policing and ILP develops new ideas and changes that foster crime reduction in the long term.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

City of Worcester Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

City of Worcester Report - Assignment Example A critical review of the literature on the aforementioned will serve to outline the nature of tourism marketing and, in so doing, identify the core objectives and components of the City of Worcester's tourism marketing plan. The report will conclude with a set of best practice recommendations, specifically addressed to the City of Worcester. Branding is a managed process to serve consumers, create identity for goods and services, and differentiate goods and services from competitors (Kotler, 1994; Kapferer, 1997). Branding is a powerful means for creating competitive advantages in marketing corporations, products, and services. Cai (2002) acknowledged that branding is the single most important objective of marketing today. The ability to create value by developing and maintaining the attributes that appeal to consumers emotionally has become a main focus of branding (Knowles, 2001). Therefore, branding refers to the process of transforming functional assets into relationship assets (Knowles, 2001) or the process of adding meaning to consumer products (Aaker, 1991). Branding has developed into a modern concept that can be applied to anything from products and services to companies, not-for-profit causes, and even countries (Clifton, 2003). Modern branding is concerned increasingly with assembling and maintaining a mix of values, both tangible and intangible, which are relevant to consumers and which meaningfully and appropriately distinguish one supplier's brand from that of another (Murphy, 1998). Emotional benefits over and above a product's functional benefits are emphasized increasingly in the branding process. Branding is a powerful means of differentiation, and differentiation is a significant competitive positioning strategy (Pappu, Quester, & Cooksey, 2005). Berry (2000) noted that "a brand reduces customers' perceived monetary, social, or safety risk in buying services, which are difficult to evaluate prior to purchase" (p. 128). Due to greater opportunities to visit a variety of destinations, places are becoming increasingly substitutable and difficult to differentiate (Pike, 2005). 2.1 Destination Branding Travel destinations, just like other consumer products, have had to turn to branding to identify and distinguish themselves and to convey a positive and motivating message (Aaker, 1991). Although branding is a relatively new concept in tourism marketing (Cai, 2002; Pike, 2005), branding's extension into tourism destination management is expanding (William, Gill, & Chura, 2004). Consumers increasingly recognize that a destination can also be a perceptual concept which can be interpreted subjectively through the experience process (Buhalis, 2000). A strong and lasting destination experience for tourists, if appropriately managed, can act as a foundation for building destination brands (Hall, 2002). Buhalis (2000) states that destinations offer an amalgam of tourism products and services which are subsumed under the name of destination brand. Also, Murphy, Pritchard, and Smith (2000) noted that a tourism

Monday, August 26, 2019

Children should not be Educated at Home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children should not be Educated at Home - Essay Example Additionally, a child misses an opportunity of interacting with others when he or she is educated at home. This has serious effect on a child social development in future because he or she will not be able to learn ways of interacting with others (Amy and Vahid, 22).In addition, some parents explain that a child experiences less pressure as compared to a child educated at school. They argue that a child can achieve educational freedom whereby they learn what need to learn anytime. However, their view is quit refutable. A study by Marcovici (138) shows that home education is stressful because a parent has to research and prepare lesson for a child. Additionally, the parent has to answer any questions posted to them by a child. This can be tasking to a parent who also has to undertake other jobs. It can also result to misunderstanding when a child is struggling to get to know what has been taught. Some parents have argued that sending their kids to school expose them to harsh realities such as smoking, teenage sex and alcohol abuse. However, a study by Amy and Vahid (22) explain that kids need to be in such realities so as to know between right and wrong. Additionally, the authors explain that kids can deal with issues of drug and alcohol abuse when they are mature easily. The fact here is that kids are will be aware of the consequences posed by exposure of teenage sex and drug use.It is important to send children to conventional classes to make them have achievement in their lives.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The fight for independence from Great Britain for Canada was much Research Paper

The fight for independence from Great Britain for Canada was much different than that of the United States of America - Research Paper Example Meanwhile, Canada and Great Britain, though once tainted with conflicts, now share some cultures and establish trade relationship. Under the colonization of Great Britain, its government system was controlled and the chief state is the British monarch (Hastedt 62). However, after the granting of independence, Canada, as mentioned earlier, was given more power over its legislature and enjoyed the ideals of democracy. Nowadays, the system of government in Canada is still with the essence of democracy but has adopted a parliamentary system--where the legislative and the executive department of the government are fused as far as their power and function are concerned (â€Å"Parliamentary Government,† n.pag.). In United States Great Britain has extended its collection of colonies over the territory of the Americans. During the early centuries at around eighteenth and nineteenth, United States of America was colonized and was in general, imposed with restrictions on economic matters . This was not what the American desired in contrast to Canada; United States took a measure to break the tie of colonization from Great Britain--to go into revolution. According to Thomas and Walker (163), U.S struggled and fought for independence even at war.

Should international marriage be banned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Should international marriage be banned - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in the recent past, international marriage has received increased attention both from the perspective of theory and due to the practical concern. Several urgent policy issues have come up due to the emerging trends of international marriages. International marriage is for people who have an adventurer’s heart. International marriages require its participants to have a different view of the world. These people need to go contrary to established behavior patterns. In addition, International marriages present an opportunity for diversity and exploration of two or more different cultures and traditions. Despite these benefits, international marriages have problems that are absent if couples are from the same nation. Due to this, international marriages need to be discouraged and even banned to avoid the occurrence of such problems. The present research has identified that cultural differences present several challenges for internati onal marriages. Every society  around  the world has its distinct and unique culture and value system. These differences in culture and value systems present simple routine differences. If people marry from the same country, there are high chances that they will have the same cultures and share in these unique value systems. Thus, there would be reduced uneasiness in the marriage resulting due to culture shock and the need to adopt the value system of either party.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Enterprise Business Intelligence and analysis Essay

Enterprise Business Intelligence and analysis - Essay Example As stated in the report, offering advanced technological features to casual users is a recipe for disaster. Casual users are information users who are interested only in the reports and not in how the tools and databases work. Therefore the factor of usability is the most important in increasing BI adoption among the casual users. The power users as information producers require more powerful analytical tools to develop reports and business views. Therefore the development of the BI infrastructure should be customized to the different groups of users. Implementing a BI framework effectively is a process of change management. Therefore the top management has to communicate with the employees about the strategic importance of maximizing the use of BI. Unless there is support from the top management for using the BI framework, the employees will not be motivated to use the features and functionalities of business intelligence to the maximum extent. For this reason it is important to cat egorize the different requirements of power users and casual users and to communicate with them accordingly. The communications framework is one of the most important tools in managing change and therefore it should be used by the top management in motivating the application of business intelligence. The power users are the more important users. ... In order to maximize the effectiveness of the technology, the organization should be able to integrate BI into the existing architecture consisting of security, web servers and databases. Unless the BI system can be made compatible with the processes which are currently being used, its usability will be minimal. The employees will be more willing to use BI if it has an interface that is similar to those that they are currently using. It is more important to bring the power users on board so that they can coordinate with IT personnel to optimize the delivery of the format to the rest of the enterprise. The management also has to purchase licenses. Therefore they should conduct an inventory of users to estimate the number of licenses required and thus reduce costs. Another way to reduce costs is to ensure fast performance. It is more important to ensure fast performance among the casual users. However the power users should also emphasize upon fast performance in order to deliver timel y information. This information should be based upon high-quality data. Maximization of the BI acceptance among employees in various business functions and hierarchy levels in enterprise operations entails the process of managing change. The critical success factor in change management is communications. Therefore the critical success factor is to consider how to create an effective communications framework between the top management and the employees. As stated in the TDWI best practices report, this objective can be met by developing a marketing plan which can be delivered enterprise-wide through a variety of communications channels such as email, Web, meetings, events, posters, training, helpdesk etc. In this manner the value

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assianment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assianment - Assignment Example No Man’s Land focuses our sights on the human side of the war as the men of Newfoundland Regiment reminisce the time when they saw the war as an adventure and an opportunity to seek glory for themselves and their country. They were told that the war would last only for a year and they would be coming home just in time for Christmas. They were proud volunteers then as many other soldiers were. The memories of their march past cheering crowds through the streets of St. Johns and into the transport Florizel was all fresh to them. War for them was an adventure. That view changed ever since the news of McWhirter’s death, the first Newfoundland man killed, was made known. Now, Second Lieutenant Alan Hayward, Martin and the rest of the men find themselves anxiously waiting for the moment when they would step out of the trenches and assault the enemy. They cower under the protection of their makeshift bunkers as the enemy artillery barrage pummels their position. All of them knew that at any time they could end up dead or dying. The men longed for home and were frustrated by the lack of knowledge of what lies ahead of them but in spite of these, they stand resolutely on the fire steps glancing at their pocket watches and waiting for the zero hour. In reading the book, we become enticed with how Kevin Major effectively portrayed the unnatural quiet before the storm. Major was also equally effective in portraying the camaraderie as the men on Newfoundland Regiment fight to make it through the barbed wire, deadly sweep of machine-gun bullets and grenades. In spite of their heroic efforts, the area known to be as no man’s land proved to be the graveyard for two hundred and seventy-two young men from the Newfoundland Regiment. It was the greatest casualty for any other unit in the battlefield. On that morning of July 1, 1916, the communities in Newfoundland lost many of its men who would have been their future leaders. The attempt to drive the enemy

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why You Wish to Attend the University Essay Example for Free

Why You Wish to Attend the University Essay Frequently Asked Questions Still searching for the answers to your questions? Don’t worry. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions just for that purpose. Check out the questions below to see if your questions made the list! As always, you can always give us a call at 209.946.2211 or contact us. Questions About PacificIs Pacific a public or private university? Whats the difference between a college, a school and a university? What type of university is Pacific? What is Pacific known for? Is Pacific a religious or church-related university? How big is the campus? How old is Pacific? Is Pacific accredited? Who is the President of Pacific?Questions About Student LifeHow many students go to Pacific, and where are they from? What is the ethnic breakdown of the student body? Whats there to do on campus for fun? Do most students stay on campus during weekends? Are students able to get housing? What kind of housing is available? Is there a freshman dorm? What are the residence halls like? Which one is the best? Do residence halls have Internet access? Do I need a computer? Will I have a roommate? How are roommates matched? Do you have sororities and fraternities? How big is the Greek System? What role do social fraternities and sororities play at Pacific? Should I bring a car to campus? Hows the parking on campus? How many students have cars? How safe is campus? Is there an escort service? What is the alcohol policy? Do students drink on campus? Is there an alcohol problem on campus? Is Pacific a dry campus? What is Stockton like? What about outside of Stockton? What is the weather like? What types of sports does Pacific have? Are athletic scholarships offered? Didnt Pacific have varsity football? What happened?| Questions About AcademicsHow many majors are there? What are the largest/most popular majors? Whats the student/faculty ratio? What is the average class size? How many faculty members are there, and what are their qualifications? Are classes taught by professors or graduate students? What kind of advising program is available? Can you graduate in four years? When can students take classes in their major? How many students are in the school/college or major Im interested in?Questions About Admission and Financial AidWhat does the Office of Admission look for in an applicant? What is the difference between Early Action and Regular Admission? Is Early Action Binding? When is the Application deadline for your accelerated Pre-Pharmacy and Pre-Dentistry programs? What if I missed the deadline or apply late? Which Standardized tests do I need to take? I didnt send my score until the deadline; how long will it take you to receive them? Are you using the SAT Writing Section or ACT Writing Section for admission evaluation? Ive been taking college courses while in high school. Will they transfer? What is the difference between a weighted and unweighted GPA? Should I take AP/ Honors classes even though you do not take a weighted GPA? What scores from AP/ IB exams do you accept for credit? Is there a special admission process for students with learning differences? Does Pacific accept home-schooled students? How do you apply for financial aid? How much financial aid will I get? What types of financial aid are available?| Questions About Pacific Is Pacific a public or private university?| TOP Pacific is an independent university. This means that anyone who qualifies can attend, but we do not receive direct funding from the government. What’s the difference between a college, a school, and a university?| TOP A college usually is comprised of several different departments and grants bachelor’s degrees in liberal arts or science or both. A school gives instruction in a specialized field and usually grants a degree particular to its field. A university includes several schools and colleges, and grants bachelor’s degrees, as well as master’s degrees and sometimes, doctoral degrees. What type of university is Pacific?| TOP Pacific is a national doctoral university with three campuses and eleven schools and colleges. Eight of our schools and colleges provide undergraduate education on the Stockton campus, including a college of liberal arts and sciences (College of the Pacific). The Stockton campus also has a graduate school. The other two campuses are the McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento and the School of Dentistry in San Francisco. What is Pacific known for?| TOP We are known for our excellence in the strength of the undergraduate education and the relationships between our faculty and students. The variety of academic and co-curricular choices, our small class size, our long-standing reputation for innovation and the beauty of our campus are also characteristics of which we are proud. Is Pacific a religious or church-related university?| TOP No. Pacific was founded by the Methodist Church. We do have a chapel, a full-time chaplain and a number of religious-oriented clubs. Our academic department of religious studies also offers a major in religion for students who wish to learn more about it. How big is the campus?| TOP The Stockton campus (including South Campus and the area north of the river) is 175 acres. We have more than 75 academic and residential buildings. How old is Pacific?| TOP We became California’s first chartered institution of higher education in 1851. We were also the first co-ed university (the first graduating class had five men and five women). We celebrated our sesquicentennial year (150th Anniversary) in 2001. Is Pacific accredited?| TOP Pacific is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Many of our academic programs also have additional accreditation by appropriate professional organizations as well. Who is the President of Pacific?| TOP Pamela A. Eibeck became the 24th President of University of the Pacific on July 1, 2009. She is Pacifics sixth President since the University moved to Stockton in 1924. Her Presidency follows a distinguished career as a researcher, teacher, educational reformer, and university administrator. back to top Questions About Student Life How many students go to Pacific and where are they from?| TOP The Stockton campus has about 4,500 students (3,360 undergraduates, 620 professional pharmacy students, and 540 graduate students, mostly in Education and Business). Approximately 80% are from California, the rest are from 43 other states and 42 other countries. What is the ethnic breakdown of the student body?| TOP 44% of our undergraduates are from ethnic and racially under-represented American minorities, and another 4% are from other countries. (eight percent did not state ethnicity.) African-American 3% Asian/Pacific Islander 30% Hispanic 9% Multi-Ethnic 1% Native American 1% White/Caucasian 45% International 3% Unknown 8% What’s there to do on campus for fun?| TOP A lot! There are more than 100 student organizations and dozens of athletic activities. There are social, academic, athletic, ethnic, political, religious, service and special interest clubs. There’s a great Theatre Arts department which produces five to seven shows a year, including plays, musicals, and dance — and all students are encouraged to try-out and participate. The Conservatory of Music presents more than 100 performances each year. There are 25 intramural sports, 8 club sports and 16 Division I intercollegiate sports. There are Residence Hall Associations and Student Government groups for both the University as a whole and for each school or college. There are social and professional sororities and fraternities. (And lots of other things too!) Do most students stay on campus during weekends?| TOP Most students stay on campus during the weekends, although some will leave. It depends on the time of year. We are close to many great recreational areas, which students can easily get to on a weekend. Are students able to get housing?| TOP More than 60% of students live on campus. The University of the Pacific requires all students of freshmen and sophomore class standing who are under the age of 23 to live on-campus. Students are exempted from the residency requirement if the student lives with their parents/guardians in their permanent residence within 50 miles of the University of the Pacific’s Stockton campus. Students must submit the [emailprotected] form along with any proper documentation to support their request. What kind of housing is available? Is there a freshman dorm?| TOP There are residence halls, apartment complexes, suite-style learning communities and housing for sororities and fraternities. There is no â€Å"freshman dorm,† although all freshmen live in a residence hall. Upper class students can live in any of the on-campus environments they wish to or they may move off campus. What are the residence halls like? Which one is the best?| TOP One of the great things about the residence hal ls is the variety of sizes and themes. There is no best residence hall — it depends on what you want. If a student wants to live in a big or small hall, one with a theme or one without, we have them all. Do residence halls have Internet access?| TOP All of the residence halls have direct broadband access to the Internet. Do I need a computer?| TOP Well, you will probably want a computer. But University of the Pacific does have many computer laboratories on campus where you can go to use a computer, printer or access the Internet. Will I have a roommate? How are roommates matched?| TOP Almost all freshmen will be assigned roommates. This matching is done using the information the incoming student provides during the summer. It’s very important to fill out this housing information card accurately and honestly. Entering students can indicate a preference of roommate. Do you have sororities and fraternities? How big is the Greek System? What role do social fraternities and sororities play at Pacific?| TOP Between 20% and 22% of undergraduates join the social or multicultural Greek system. So it’s large enough to be active, but not so big that it’s overwhelming. If a student wants to be involved, it’s available. If not, it’s not the only social life on campus. Students can’t join a social or multicultural sorority or fraternity at Pacific until the spring semester of their freshmen year (it’s called â€Å"deferred rush†), so students can learn about the Greek system before deciding whether or not to join. Pacific has 14 social or multicultural Greek houses. Should I bring a car to campus?| TOP Most students agree that a car makes it easy to get around. Stockton, like most cities in California, is quite spread out. City buses regularly leave campus, so it is up to the student to decide if the responsibility of having a car on campus is worth the convenience. How’s the parking on campus? How many students have cars?| TOP Any student can have a car on campus. Cars must be registered and have a parking permit. Parking is available around campus. A â€Å"reasonable† estimate is that about 50% of our undergraduate students have cars. How safe is campus?| TOP Campus is very safe, but you still need to pay attention to what’s going on around you. The University has an excellent safety record and is very proactive in making campus as safe as possible. Our Department of Public Safety is a trained police force that patrols campus 24 hours a day. There are also approximately 60 emergency â€Å"blue light† phones around campus connecting you immediately to Public Safety. Is there an escort service?| TOP Public Safety will provide an escort for anyone who requests it. What is the alcohol policy? Do students drink on campus? Is there an alcohol problem on campus? Is Pacific a â€Å"dry† campus?| TOP Here’s the basic policy. State law stipulates that only persons 21 and older may possess and consume alcohol. It is the student’s responsibility to comply with the law. Possession and consumption of alcohol on campus is permitted in several areas designated for events and gatherings. The University has several programs to educate students and provide alternatives to alcohol. What is Stockton like?| TOP Stockton is the 11th largest city in California and the 74th largest city in the United States. The population is close to 290,000. Stockton has many of the advantages of a large city: lots of restaurants, several shopping malls, movie and civic theaters, a symphony, museums and recreational activities. But it is small enough so you won’t get overwhelmed. It has been a multicultural city since 1850, where people from all ethnic groups work well together. It is a great place to learn about community. Stockton is on the San Joaquin Delta, a 1,000-mile waterway, where you can water ski, jet ski, wind surf, sail, etc. What about outside of Stockton?| TOP Stockton has the good fortune to be located in a position to take advantage of all that Northern California has to offer. We are 45 minutes south of Sacramento, 90 minutes east of San Francisco, Napa or San Jose, only 2 hours from Santa Cruz or Yosemite National Park, and less than 3 hours from Lake Tahoe. What is the weather like?| TOP Stockton’s climate is very nice. We are far enough north that we get all four seasons, but none of them are extreme. The annual temperature ranges from 37 degrees in January to 94 degrees in July. Yes, some summer days are hotter, but it usually cools off in the evening thanks to breezes off the Delta. Our winters are warmer than the northeastern and mid-western parts of our country (no snow), but it is a bit cooler than Southern California. Our occasional, famous â€Å"thick winter fog† (known as â€Å"tule fog†) isn’t quite as much fun as playing in the snow, but it does resemble the weather in San Francisco or London. What types of sports does Pacific have?| TOP We have three types: Intercollegiate, Club and Intramural. Our Intercollegiate sports compete in NCAA Division 1A mostly in the Big West Conference. Our club sports all have coaches and travel to compete against other colleges and universities in northern and central California. Intramurals are sports, in which students at Pacific create their own teams and then compete against other Pacific student teams. Some examples of intramurals include: softball, basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer and inner tube water polo. Are athletic scholarships offered?| TOP Yes. All Division I intercollegiate teams have scholarships available. If a student is interested in information, she or he should contact the specific coach directly. Didn’t Pacific have varsity football? What happened?| TOP Yes, we did have a football team for many years but the costs of running a Division 1A team prohibited the continuation of the program at that level. back to top Questions About Academics How many majors are there?| TOP There are over 80 majors in eight different undergraduate schools and colleges. Students may enroll in classes offered at any of the University’s undergraduate schools or colleges — a Psychology student can take Business classes, or an International Studies student can take Conservatory classes. What are the largest/most popular majors?| TOP 33% of our undergraduates are students in the arts and sciences (College of the Pacific), but they are majoring in almost 40 different subjects. The largest programs throughout the University are business, pre-pharmacy, biology, international studies, sports sciences, and engineering. What’s the student/faculty ratio?| TOP 14:1. This means that we have one faculty member for every 14 students on campus. What is the average class size?| TOP Our average class size is 20 students, and over 80% have fewer than 30 students. Some classes are as small five to eight students, and very few have more than 50 students. How many faculty members are there and what are their qualifications?| TOP There are 370 highly qualified faculty members, 93% hold a doctorate or the highest degree in their field. Most faculty members are involved in research, but their primary responsibility is to teach undergraduate students. Are classes taught by professors or graduate students?| TOP Almost every class is taught by a professor. Some labs or discussions may be led by a Teaching Assistant. What kind of advising program is available?| TOP All faculty members serve as advisers. Every entering student is assigned both a faculty and student adviser at orientation. Can you graduate in four years?| TOP That’s the plan. University of the Pacific is the first university in the nation to guarantee that a student could graduate in four years if they are enrolled in a four-year program. When can students take classes in their major?| TOP Students can start taking classes in their major in any program as early as freshman year. How many students are in the school/college or major I’m interested in?| TOP The College of the Pacific is the arts and sciences division, and has about 1400 undergraduates enrolled in 40 different majors. The largest majors are Biology, Sport Sciences, Communication and Psychology. Many students start out as Exploratory (our term for undeclared). The Conservatory of Music has about 170 undergraduates in six majors: Music Performance, Music Composition, Music Education, Music History, Music Management and Music Therapy. The Eberhardt School of Business has about 550 undergraduates who all have the same major: Business Administration. There are, however 11 different concentrations to choose from: Accounting, Arts Entertainment Management (in Music, Visual Arts or Theatre Arts), Business Law, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance, General Business, Human Resources, International Business, Marketing, Management Information Systems, and Real Estate. The School of Engineering and Computer Science has over 500 undergraduates in nine majors: Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Engineering Management, Computer Science, and Computer Information Systems. Benerd School of Education has 170 undergraduates studying to be elementary school teachers, works with another 200 from other majors who are pursuing secondary teaching credentials, and has 300 credential and/or graduate students. The School of International Studies has about 150 undergraduates in four majors: International Relations, Global Economic Relations, International Environmental Policy, and International and Regional Studies. The Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences includes the largest single major, Pharmacy. There are about 900 total students in Pharmacy, about 415 pre-pharmacy undergraduates and about 620 PharmD. professional students. This School also includes our graduate program in Physical Therapy, undergraduate program in Dental Hygiene and both our undergraduate and graduate programs in Speech and Language Pathology. Center for Professional and Continuing Education, Pacific’s adult re-entry division offers an evening degree program in Organization al Behavior that enrolls 20 students. back to top Questions About Admission and Financial Aid What does the Office of Admission look for in an applicant?| TOP An applicant’s achievements and accomplishments will be personally reviewed to determine if they are prepared to succeed at Pacific. Primary consideration is given to an applicant’s academic course selection and achievement. We do not use formulas or indexes in admission decisions. Successful applicants are expected to have completed a college preparatory program, including English (4 years), Math (3 or 4 years), Lab Science (2 or 3 years), Foreign Language (2 years of same language), History or Government (1 year), Fine or Performing Arts (1 year), and academic electives (1 to 3 years). These requirements are similar to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) A-G requirements. What is the difference between Early Action and Regular Admission?| TOP Pacific has two different dates for you to apply. Our Early Action date is November 15. Early Action provides students an opport unity to apply to Pacific before the Regular Admission Deadline of January 15. Students who apply in Early Action will typically receive a decision on their file by January 15. If the Office of Admission does not accept you during Early Action, your file will automatically be reconsidered during Regular Admission. Students who apply under Regular Admission or who have been deferred to Regular Admission, will receive their decision by March 15. Is Early Action Binding?| TOP No. If a student applies to Pacific as an Early Action candidate, they are under no obligation to attend the University if they are admitted. Once a student has been admitted, they have until May 1 to confirm with Pacific. When is the Application deadline for your accelerated Pre-Pharmacy and Pre-Dentistry programs?| TOP Students considering the accelerated Pre-Pharmacy and Pre-Dentistry programs as major options must apply by November 15 to be considered as on time. What if I missed the deadline or apply late?| TOP We encourage you to apply, even if your application will be late. Priority of review and Admission goes to students who have applied by the appropriate deadlines. Which Standardized tests do I need to take?| TOP You must take either the SAT or ACT in order to apply to Pacific. When we review your application we will take the highest individual scores from any two tests. Subject Tests are NOT required to complete an admission application or to be admitted. The following SAT Subject Tests are, however, strongly recommended for the indicated groups because they will be used for placement purposes if a student enrolls. All Students should take either of the SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics Students applying for the following majors should take the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry: Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Chemistry-Biology, Civil Engineering, Dental Hygiene, Dental/Pre-Dental, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Pre-Pharmacy I didnt send my score until the deadline; how long will it take you to receive them? Because Pacific receives your test information electronically, it should only take one week for your scores to arrive after you have designated University of the Pacific to receive them. In most cases, there is no need to rush your scores to us. Are you using the SAT Writing Section or ACT Writing Section for admission evaluation?| TOP While Pacific will receive your scores from the writing section of the SAT or ACT, those scores will not be used for your admission evaluation. Data about how to use these scores will be collected and researched to determine its best use in for future groups of applicants. I’ve been taking college courses while in high school, will they transfer? Pacific encourages its students to take college classes, as long as they feel that they can complete them successfully. To get an idea if a class you have taken will transfer look at the list of colleges provided. Simply scroll down the list of colleges and select the school where the course was taken. Once you have selected the school you will see a list of the course numbers that we accept from that institution. If a college course appears on your high school’s official transcript it will be included in your GPA computation. You must send us an official transcript from every institution from which you have taken a college course. What is the difference between a  "weighted† and â€Å"unweighted† GPA? A weighted GPA means that the Honors/ AP/ and IB classes you have taken have a maximum value of 5.0 (for an A), as compared to a â€Å"normal† 4.0. When Pacific reviews your application we take out the extra points for your Honors/ AP/ and IB classes and base your GPA on a 4.0 system. Should I take AP/Honors classes even though you do not take a weighted GPA? YES! We encourage you to take the most rigorous course schedule possible. A more competitive course load will make your application and chances for admission more favorable. In addition to increasing the likelihood that you will perform more strongly on standardized tests, the personal nature of our application review process means that we are reviewing your file individually and with great detail. The classes you have taken and your successes in those classes are two of the strongest factors of the application review. What scores from AP/IB exams do you accept for credit? College credit (four units per examination) may be granted to students who achieve scores of 4 or higher on Advanced Placement examinations and/or scores of 5 or higher on International Baccalaureate exams taken at the higher level. Is there a special admission process for students with learning differences? There is no special application review process for students with learning differences. We do recommend that you send either an essay or a letter of recommendation that informs us that you have a learning difference and may be seeking accommodations. To receive accommodations, once admitted, students at University of the Pacific must forward appropriate documentation to the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities in the Educational Resource Center. Does Pacific accept home-schooled students? Pacific encourages all variations of home schooled and individually educated students to apply. If a student does not have a transcript proving that they are registered with a school district then a student must take either the GED or High School Proficiency Exam. While we will accept â€Å"narrative† assessments of subject performance, for application review, Pacific strongly suggests that students send in a grade report or transcript that shows a graded assessment of course work, so that a GPA can be established. You must have a GPA if you wish to receive or be eligible for Merit Based Scholarships for Pacific. In all cases, home schooled students must take standardized tests. How do you apply for financial aid?| TOP We require only the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), a form you can pick up from your high school guidance counselor, download online, or submit online. First time applicants are required to send the Office of Financial Aid a copy of the student and the parents’ current year’s income tax return. How much financial aid will I get?| TOP That depends on a lot of factors including family income, number of students in college, assets, savings, etc. Your parents’ retirement funds and equity in the family home are not taken into consideration. What types of financial aid are available?| TOP There are three types of financial aid: scholarships or grants, loans and employment. back to top

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A History Of Indian Tourism

A History Of Indian Tourism There are a number of industries that play a pivotal role in the development of nations. Tourism being one such industry that has emerged as the largest global industry in the 20th century and is projected to grow even faster during the current century. Tourism when taken in its true sense has following characteristics; Resource based industry and consumes resources Creates waste Specific infrastructure needs All the characters are linked to the social fabric of the host community. It has social, cultural and environmental impacts with a possibility of over consumption. The conceptual structure of the project aims to investigate the problems and advantages of home stay tourism in Kerala, from an owners perspective. In this section the researcher attempts to explore the areas such as; History of Indian tourism Background of Kerala Definition of tourism Sustainable tourism Community based tourism Homestay tourism Tourist motivation Tourist satisfaction Relevant research History of Indian Tourism India is a centre of two ancient civilizations of the world called the Indus valley civilization, and the Aryan civilization. Tourism development in India started in the early sixties. By that time most of the other countries have achieved a remarkable progress in this area and has exploited to maximum possible extent. The best way to introduce India as a tourist destination to foreigners is that India is a country of all seasons and all reasons. Indias tourism resources have always been considered immense. The geographical features are diverse, colorful and varied. As such the resource potential is so much that it can cater to all kinds and tastes of tourists. India has an ancient tradition of tourism. It existed as an industry in the informal sector in ancient times and was indulged in by all classes of people. Mark Twain aptly remarked about India on India [National Tourism Policy 2002] that India is one country that is endowed with an imperishable interest for alien prince and alien peasant, for the lettered and the ignorant, the wise and the fool, the rich and the poor, the bonded and the free one land that all men desire to see and once seen, by even a glimpse, would not give the glimpse for all the shows of all the rest of the globe combined. The unity of India lies in its diversity people bound together by centuries of common traditions, faith and philosophy [Pran Nath, Sushma 1993]. Indian tourism industry has recorded a phenomenal growth especially from 1990s in terms of both international and domestic tourists arrivals [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006]. The ministry of Indian tourism has launched a new programme called Athithi Devo Bhavah which means guest is god. The inspiration behind this expression is to respect because; respect has always been an essential part of Indian soul. Tourism, which is the third largest foreign exchange earner in India, has started gaining prominence to the public agenda only in recent years. Many countries in the world are relying on tourism as one of the fastest growing sectors. In the Chief Ministers conference held on October 2001 [National Tourism Policy 2002] the Prime Minister of India, Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee had stated that Tourism is a major phenomenon of economic growth in major parts of the world. Many countries have transformed their economies using the tourism potential the fullestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦tourism has the potential to create different types of employment in various sectors from the most specialized to the unskilled and what India needs is the generation of massive productive employment opportunities . Tourism in India has a strong relevance to economic development and employment generation. It creates huge employment opportunities, provides equitable distribution of wealth, helps to acquire the much needed foreign exchange, brings out a speedy development and improvement of infrastructural facilities. Developing countries have given a special importance for the development of tourism, for it is the main source of earning foreign exchange, thereby the economic status of the country goes up [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006]. Tourism is one of the few industries which generates high levels of economic output, with minimum investments and has immense socioeconomic development potential. Indian tourism industry has recorded a phenomenal growth particularly from 1990s [Sathyanarayana, Ramu 2006] in terms of both international and domestic visitor arrivals. A noticeable change in the holidaying trend was reported both the international and domestic tourists showed an inclination towards adventure sports. India is slowly but surely awakening to its tourism potential. The outcome of many studies hat has been done about tourism states that India is best suited for all kinds of tourism rural, cultural, eco-tourism, spiritual, sports and adventure tourism. With small countries like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are all ready major tourist destinations; India has to struggle to promote itself to the world tourists [Revathy 2008]. Background of Kerala Kerala, one of the smallest states lies in the southern coast of India, is one of the leading proponents of tourism in various sectors. Kerala has a vast and vibrant arena, where drama unfolds in the form of spell bounding heritage cites station, un -spoilt beaches, picturesque hill, roaring water falls, old temple towns, exotic wild life, bustling cities, surrounded with back waters, varied adventure sports and a vibrant way of life. Kerala is one of Indias most advanced societies with nearly full literate people and excellent quality of life. The people of Kerala are more sensitive than people elsewhere because of high literacy rate [Kumar, Sudheer 2007]. On its way to becoming south, Kerala is one of the states that attract a large number of tourists in South India. In order to tap the tourist potential of so much history and such a variety of natural endowments, the Kerala government is taking a number of steps to improve the states infrastructures like air, road and rail links. The state is evolving new strategies, creating dynamic blue prints and ensuring meticulous execution will make sure that the state will emerge on top. Developing world class tourism products needs enhancing infrastructure, stream lining administration, strategic alliance and marketing will ensure that tourism bring sustainable growth and prosperity to Kerala also known as Gods on Country [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006]. Kerala provides an ample opportunity for home stay and rural tourism. In this research work, this aspect of Kerala is trying to be explored. In addition to this, the fact that Kerala has remained and still continues to be one of the most favorite sites for tourists will also be highlighted (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). The landscape and the scenic beauty of Kerala are such that the tourists enjoy coming in India and exploring the various parts of Kerala (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). In addition, it was also seen that in the recent times, the sector of rural tourism is also increasing manifold (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). Thus, though this research work, the concept of rural tourism will also be highlighted. This introduction highlights the fact that rural tourism is relevant in developing nations where there is enough of land cape and scenic beauty to give the feel of the rural life (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). Today, for rural tourism, a village ca n prove to be an important site for tourist attraction. Any unbridled and indiscriminate growth of tourism leading to the problems of pollution, environmental and economic hazards and culture degradation will definitely be opposed by the highly sensitive host population of Kerala. The various negative factors of tourism will have far reaching consequences upon the people of Kerala besides making impact upon the tourists visiting the state. Definition of Tourism Tourism has been defined as the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside of their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes [WTO 1998]. There are different words and meanings for tourism such as Domestic Tourism: that involves residents of the given country travelling only within the country. Inbound Tourism:- involves residents travelling in the given country. Outbound Tourism: means residents travelling in another country. International Tourism:- consists of inbound and outbound tourism [WTO 1998]. Sustainable Tourism There is no widely accepted definition of sustainable tourism. It could, of course, be suggested that sustainable tourism should simply be about applying the Brundtland Report definition of sustainability to tourism. This could lead to a definition such as: Forms of tourism which meet the needs of tourists, the tourism industry, and host communities today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. There is another definition of sustainable tourism emphasizes the environmental, social and economic elements of the tourism system. This definition means tourism which is economically viable, but does not destroy the resources on which the future of tourism will depend, notably the physical environment and the social fabric of the host community [Swarbrooke 1999]. Sustainable tourism is the tourism development that protects important ecological and biological qualities and the process results in increased economic opportunity for local residents and involves them in decision- making, and respects the integrity of cultural norms and traditions. Sustainable tourism development is based on the objective that it meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support system [Ashraf, Fazili 2004]. For the development of tourism, the department has decided to develop policies, strategies and plans for sustainable tourism. The tourism plan or policy is a gambling that will definitely have winners or losers that make the public sector tourism policy a political issue. Tourism has powerful vested interests that will seek to influence the political process such as transport operators and hoteliers. Such kind of groups may also oppose measures to make tourism more sustainable. Rather than giving importance to the merits of tourism view point, the government and local communities are taking the tourism decisions for political reasons [Swarbrooke 1999]. The concept of sustainability clearly embraces the environment, people and economic systems. Therefore sustainable tourism is based on; social progress reflecting the needs for everyone, effective protection of environment, prudent use of natural resources, maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment. According to Swarbrooke 1999, there are number of obstacles that will limit the role of the public sector in tourism, planning and development. They are; Tourism is only a low priority for the public sector and there seems to be a lack of political will to develop sustainable tourism. The concept of public sector planning and regulation are out of fashion Many public sector bodies lack the financial resources required to play a major role in tourism planning and development. There is lack of staff expertise in tourism in most public sector organizations around the world. The series of election affects the willingness of politicians to make the kind of long term decisions on which sustainable tourism depends. Public sector is only a minor player in the tourism industry with least control over tourism products. Sustainable tourism is lead by motives like spirit of enquiry, love of beauty, search for knowledge and respect for nature. It aims at quality tourism which creates least damage to the natural, social and cultural environment. The sustainable tourism hinges upon the overall management as a viable method in sustainable tourist activities. The overall quality approach renders the management of products especially of tourist areas, extremely sensitive to the preferences and expectations of consumers. The private and public profitability of a tourist destination will depend on the client sanitation, since they will return more often and stay longer and will transmit a positive image of their holiday experience to others. However, as these preferences and expectations include the demand for unspoilt settings and consumer satisfaction, the profitability of a tourist spot, will call for the development of strategies for sustainable development [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006] Community Based Tourism Tourism can bring both benefits and problems to an area. If well planned, developed and managed, tourism generates local jobs and income and provides opportunities for local entrepreneurs to establish tourism enterprises that lead to improve the living standards of residents [WTO 1998]. Community based tourism includes a range of activities, services and amenities provided by the rural people to attract tourist to their area in order to generate extra income. It is often considered ideal and inherently sustainable as it attracts manageable number of visitors, does not need much infrastructural development , does not consume too much of already scarce resources, does not require high amount of skill base, and provides a source of income to locals besides preserving the local culture and its traditions. One of the main attractions of CBT is the highly personal interactions between the host and the guest where both parties can share knowledge, ideas and experience and as a consequence increase the earnings of local community with minimal investments. Events like, a night out with the locals at their homes, participation in the lesser known village religious or cultural events, an opportunity to participate in local activities like agriculture, fishing or even living with locals and sharing their food, their lives and their occupation could provided the much needed fillip for community based tourism [Mello 2008]. Tourism can bring both benefits and problems to the local society and its cultural patterns. Although more difficult to measure than economic or environmental impacts, socio -cultural impacts are major considerations in developing tourism in any place. These impacts can be especially critical in countries that still have strongly traditional economies and societies. Despite the fact that tourism can generate socio -cultural impacts, it is obvious that any kind of new development brings changes. Tourism is one of the important sources that can bring changes in a society. A well planned, developed and managed tourism in a socially responsible manner can bring some kinds of socio -cultural benefits such as Improves the living standards of people and helps pay for improvements to community facilities and services, if the economic benefits of tourism are well distributed. Conserves the cultural heritage of an area which otherwise might be lost as a result of general development taking place. Conservation of archeological and historic sites was referred to under environmental impacts. In some places tourism can be the impetus for revitalizing cultural patterns which might be disappearing. Reinforces or even renews a sense of pride of residents I their culture, when they observe tourists appreciating it. Helps develop and maintain museums, theatres and other cultural facilities supported by tourism but the residents can also enjoy it. Tourism provides an opportunity for cross culture exchange between tourists and residents who learn about, and come to respect one anothers culture. This exchange can be best be achieved through certain forms of tourism educational and other types of special interest tours, village tourism and home visit programmes whereby tourist can arrange to visit local families. Homestay Tourism It was noted that these days, the craze for home stay tourism is increasing. This is because now people have less time an in that less time they want to experience all that they can of the culture of the people. Home stay is one of the most recent opportunities for tourism business owners to lure the customers and at the same time maximize profit (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). In this tourism, the host or the business owner allows the tourist to stay at their own houses or at specially designed huts such that they get first -hand information about the culture, and place they are visiting (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74).3-74). These Homestay businesses are running on a small scale by families allowing tourists to stay with them and to enjoy the food, lodging and other requirements. In lieu to these services, the person will give the household a fixed amount of money that fixed earlier. In this way both the person and the visitor also benefitted (Sunderl and, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). There are cases in Kerala where traditional huts are also constructed so that the tourists and come and stay with the people to have the feel of life in the rural society (Thomas, K.W. (1992), pp.651-717). This led to the evolution of the home stay system as they get a chance to interact with the local people and host and gain first -hand experience about the place (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). Home stay tourism is also a variant of ecotourism and primarily ensures in focusing that the tourists to give an experience of the rural lifestyle (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). However, Kerala faces many social and economic problems in this. The culture of the host and the guest meet and so there are changes of hurting the sentiments of one another (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). In addition, there are sometimes cases when the guest is not satisfied at the service given in that host (Hofstede, G. (2001), pp. 34-45). As the sceneries and sceni c beauty and hospitality of Kerala are great, this has been using as a marketing strategy to explore the prospects of tourism in Kerala (Sunderland, S., Nelson, R. (1995), pp. 53-74). This interest of the people to get mixed with the local culture of the people help in making rural tourism so popular in Kerala (Hofstede, G. (2001), pp. 34-45). These will be described in detail in the research work. Definitions of Homestay Tourism It is comparable to bed and breakfasts, but even less formal. A home stay property is a non commercialized, private residence that accommodates paying guest(s) who enjoy staying in the comfort and security of a family home. These guests often reside in the family home for an extended period of time, usually months rather than days. It is a safe, affordable means of housing popular amongst international students, interns, travelling professionals and adult visitors from other countries, who are looking to experience and learn about local lifestyle and culture [cited on:] Homestay is one type of tourism that promotes interaction between host families and tourists [cited on:] Homestay tourism refers to one pattern of tourism with emphasis on ecotourism and community based tourism, in which tourists will stay over night with the host in the villages. The hosts have to support visitors like a member of the family and involve them in all kinds of activities and shared experiences. These activities have the objective of learning about locals life style and livelihood of residents in the community [Phonwiset, Yomsatharn, Chusakul 2008 cited on:].

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Skills And Qualities Of An Entrepreneur Business Essay

The Skills And Qualities Of An Entrepreneur Business Essay It might be easier to think about the new ideas and might also be easier to develop a business based on the ideas. But it is not easy to take action day in day out continuously when the results were not going in your way. However its proven that often successful entrepreneur displays high level of persistence and commitment. Its what count. Goal Oriented: Entrepreneurs love to set goals and will be satisfied once they reach it. Normal human beings have tendency to find satisfaction in their accomplishments. However they write down the goals and check them daily and review them regularly until they achieve their goals. Decision Making: Ability to make a correct decision is a core skill of an Entrepreneur if they want to be a successful. They make sound decisions where they want to go in to from the experience they have. Decisions include how to proceed with marketing, funding, product production , vendor selection and bunch of other decisions to be made. The key is to be critical and learn from the mistakes rather than avoiding taking decisions. People skills: No matter what kind of business they are in, they are in people business. Even they are in Hair dressing business its the people who decide to use ones services over the competitors. So they should be ready deal with the people. This is the skill every successful entrepreneur has. In business world dealing with dealers, vendors, customers, investors, the press or the employees will make difference between success and failure. Ethics and morals: Ethics and morals are the foundation for very good qualities of entrepreneur. Every entrepreneur must decide what their business stands for and should not stray from their path. Some entrepreneur will shut their doors because money outshines their morals and what they stand for and it will create a bad name for their business. Time Management: Every minute is valuable. This cannot be emphasized enough. This is essential for an entrepreneur to do effective business. Every available should be utilized effectively by learning new skills rather than wasting it. Sales: As an entrepreneur they should figure out what kind of sales they prefer and what product services they offer. If the entrepreneur worked before in retail sales or advertising they have the edge over the others. All entrepreneur will benefit from sales seminar and motivational programs. Introduction about the entrepreneur that I interviewed: Mr.Vasan founder of VDMIE Pvt.Ltd. Graduated as a Computer Engineer from IIT Madras in the year 2006. Like any other people he doesnt want to work for a company, he wanted to do something different from normal. He wanted to make a change in the society by helping people in the form of providing job for them. Hence he started his own company. His first business was creating Smileys and Emoticons for different websites. He named it as Humecons ( He did this business as part time. He knew this business will eventually wont give much of a profit. Soon he started his second venture business called virtual makeover. This business is all about virtually dressing you up through online and you can see yourself whether that particular dress or hair style or even gold ornaments and sun glasses too is suitable is to you or not( The idea is very simple and the toughest part is making that idea in to reality. He did this with ease. First he started writing codes for different companies who wants too put up their products online for virtual makeup for the end user. As the time went by and also due to the sudden rise of Apple and Android based smart phones made his business more profitable than ever before, reaching more and more users every day. The expected revenue for the year 2011 -2012 is 200,000 USD which is phenomenal for the 3 year old business. His skills and qualities: Persistence: His first business wasnt profitable but he didnt give up easily, he did hang in there thinking new ideas, tweaking his thinking process. Hence he came up with the new business ideas which were an instant success. He attained the outcome for the hard work that he put in during difficult times. He persisted with commitment. Goal Oriented: He set goals for the future, and he knows what he wants to do for the next 5 years. According to that he hired new people for his organization. Due to this quality of his he attained results in terms of profit. If there is no goal he couldnt have achieved this success easily. Decision making: He made lot of decisions which was the difference between success and the failure. He decided to go for cost effective method rather than expensive method. His organization is small with 16 employees but the work they are doing is very big process and they cover huge customer base through different platforms. So due to his decision making skills they are making good profits. People skills: In his line of business the difference between success and failure is how you deal with different people. He is doing well in terms of people skills, because he managed to get the contract with the mobile giants like Google and Apple and different other private vendors. This was made possible because of the quality of his product and usability across different kind of people in different geographical locations. Ethics and morals: He stood for the quality of product rather than any product which gives him the money. For him money comes second, he stood by his morals and ethics till now which was the good sign for a successful entrepreneur. He wants to do good service and product offering rather than false promise. He maintained to do that part well. Time management: Time management is crucial for any kind of business. There are lot of people depend upon the product of yours, if the product is not delivered in time business will get affected. He planned everything in such a way that there wont be a delay in his product completion and distribution. This is also one of his qualities which were crucial for his business. Calculated risk taker: He is not a gambler but then he did take lot of risks but it was well thought and calculated rather than reckless which helped throughout his business career. He went in to software programming business which was well occupied at that time he entered in this business, but he was so sure his product will be preferred among the competitors. Cautiotly optimistic: Every entrepreneur dont have negative frame of mind. He always expected the unexpected and waiting optimistically for his time and he did manage to do well and he got the results after the strings of failure. It is not easy to compete in a market where competition is fierce. His quality of being optimistic made the difference for him. Finance: One of the important parts of business is financing it. He financed his business by doing part time high end consulting job for companies in America. He didnt depend upon investors and bankers for the source of money. Hence he is free from any debts. What did I learn from this interview? I learnt few things from this interview which will come in handy in future when I start my own business. They are How to start a business How to sustain the business How to start a business? I learnt that answer to these questions cannot be explained in a single word. Its a lifelong process and you need commitment and patience and also should be ready for a heart break. Should know what am I doing: Am I going to start a new business or start a business which is already existing, shall I buy into a business or join multi-level marketing or I could go with something I love or something which will make money. There are so many options out there and it is not easy to decide which way to go. But I feel I should do a business which I love because it will give self-satisfaction. 2. What are the things that I need to start business: After deciding what business to go in one has to find out do I have necessary skills, say if one wants to do catering service one should have a good cook, if I want to start a online business I should know basic HTML. I should make a list about what business needs and what I need to achieve success. Then I have to check do I have knowledge and skills if not have to find a way to get it. 3. Financial constraints: This is the basic question where every entrepreneur will ask themselves when they start a business. This will impact a business at start. Say for example if I want to start a restaurant business but I have only 2000$ and couldnt find investors or cant get a bank loan then I have to rethink my entrepreneurship ambitions until financial situation improves. To find out about how much money needed to start a business one has to do complete and honest market research before they start a business and also come up with strong business plan. 4. How much money will I make? The revenue depends upon so many factors and it is really hard to find. Because the estimation often varies and I can ever know until I try it. But having some kind of idea will motivate me to work. So it is recommended to have a high estimate to achieve greatness. 5. Exit Strategy: Having a exit strategy doesnt mean that giving up. It is all about planning and one should know when to say good bye. Exit strategy should tie with objective of the business. One has to decide between selling the company for a sizeable sum or start a new business. Those who dont have exit strategy will struggle to meet the goals that they set for their business. A realistic exit strategy is crucial part of the business plan. How to sustain the business: By maintaining the positive cash flow: This can be done through various safety measures and proper budgeting and also finding out only necessary resources rather buying resources and wasting it. By having a competitive advantage: This can be done by introducing new technology in the business rather using the old time consuming process. First mover advantage: To sustain the business one has to diversify their business by moving to new location and gaining advantage there. Proper Advertising and Marketing: Advertising is one of the important piece of sustainable strategy, without that existence of the company wont reach the people. Hence proper care should be taken to ensure enough money is been divided for marketing and advertising alone. I conclude by saying that the person I interviewed is indeed an entrepreneur and doing legitimate business in Chennai, India. In the process I personally learned a lot about what business is all about and the part of an entrepreneur in it.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Chang and Eng :: essays research papers

During the 1850s, and again after the Civil War, Chang and Eng returned to public exhibitions. In 1860, they met the famed showman, P. T. Barnum and worked for a brief time at his museum in New York City to support their growing families. Barnum also sponsored their tour to Europe. While in Europe, the brothers once again investigated the possibility of separation. The danger was still deemed too great, and surgery was refused. As their health declined, the brothers desired to return home, and they came back to North Carolina in the early 1870s. On January 17, 1874, Eng was awakened in the middle of the night by a strange sensation. Looking towards his brother, Eng quickly realized that Chang had died. Eng called for his son William, who ran through the house shouting "Uncle Chang is dead!" Within hours, Eng was dead, too. Several weeks later, the bodies were brought to Philadelphia by a commission appointed by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. An autopsy was performed by Drs. Harrison Allen and William H. Pancoast at the MÃ ¼tter Museum. It was determined that Chang had died of a cerebral clot. It was unclear, however, why Eng had died. Some physicians suggested that he died of fright. Today, it is thought that Eng bled to death, as the blood pooled in his dead brother's body. Chang and Eng changed the way society viewed conjoined twins and people with profound physical differences. They proved that those who were different can have normal lives: jobs, spouses, and a healthy family. Chang and Eng introduced the term "Siamese Twins" into our language, and introduced the world to a side of nature that was usually hidden away, ignored, or feared. Chang and Eng led the way for numerous other conjoined twins who have since benefited from the acceptance they demanded and received from society at large. For further information on Chang and Eng Bunker, see Wallace and Wallace, 1978. THE "SIAMESE TWINS" AS CULTURAL METAPHOR By the time they died, Chang and Eng were among the most widely known people in the United States. They were the subjects of newspaper articles, books, poetry, satires, lithographs, and plays. They were also a popular subject for masquerade parties. But at that time, these United States were not so united, and in Chang and Eng, Americans saw their own political struggle embodied. Alison Pingree (1996) has documented the tensions surrounding the "Siamese Twins". Chang and Eng :: essays research papers During the 1850s, and again after the Civil War, Chang and Eng returned to public exhibitions. In 1860, they met the famed showman, P. T. Barnum and worked for a brief time at his museum in New York City to support their growing families. Barnum also sponsored their tour to Europe. While in Europe, the brothers once again investigated the possibility of separation. The danger was still deemed too great, and surgery was refused. As their health declined, the brothers desired to return home, and they came back to North Carolina in the early 1870s. On January 17, 1874, Eng was awakened in the middle of the night by a strange sensation. Looking towards his brother, Eng quickly realized that Chang had died. Eng called for his son William, who ran through the house shouting "Uncle Chang is dead!" Within hours, Eng was dead, too. Several weeks later, the bodies were brought to Philadelphia by a commission appointed by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. An autopsy was performed by Drs. Harrison Allen and William H. Pancoast at the MÃ ¼tter Museum. It was determined that Chang had died of a cerebral clot. It was unclear, however, why Eng had died. Some physicians suggested that he died of fright. Today, it is thought that Eng bled to death, as the blood pooled in his dead brother's body. Chang and Eng changed the way society viewed conjoined twins and people with profound physical differences. They proved that those who were different can have normal lives: jobs, spouses, and a healthy family. Chang and Eng introduced the term "Siamese Twins" into our language, and introduced the world to a side of nature that was usually hidden away, ignored, or feared. Chang and Eng led the way for numerous other conjoined twins who have since benefited from the acceptance they demanded and received from society at large. For further information on Chang and Eng Bunker, see Wallace and Wallace, 1978. THE "SIAMESE TWINS" AS CULTURAL METAPHOR By the time they died, Chang and Eng were among the most widely known people in the United States. They were the subjects of newspaper articles, books, poetry, satires, lithographs, and plays. They were also a popular subject for masquerade parties. But at that time, these United States were not so united, and in Chang and Eng, Americans saw their own political struggle embodied. Alison Pingree (1996) has documented the tensions surrounding the "Siamese Twins".


Dante's Inferno is a 14th- century poem that seems calculated to cause the greatest possible pain to a 20th-century humanist, or to anyone who is attracted to Christianity because of its compassion and belief in the possibility of redemption. The God of the Inferno has precious little compassion and no forgiveness. He was the God who not only turned a blind eye to Belsen, but also exercised great ingenuity in constructing His own blood-chilling concentration camp, where sinners should suffer, not only during their brief lives, but for all eternity. What is particular about Dante's God is that He consigns sinners to their particular circle in Hell according to an immutable tariff of offences. No attention is paid to mitigating circumstances, or the idea of doing justice to the individual soul before the Divine Court. Hell, in short, was made on exactly the lines that the present Home Secretary would wish to impose on our present sentencing system. How do we reconcile the enjoyment of a great poem with what must seem, to many of us today, a repellent theology? Ulysses may best capture our own views in his speech to his sailors. He celebrates the dignity of man and says: "You were not bornto live as a mere brute does/ But for the pursuit of knowledge and the good". But such sensible humanism is, apparently, no better than the excuses of the gluttons and the adulterers. Ulysses is condemned as a thief and must suffer in Hell. In an admirable Preface to Robert Pinsky's translation, John Freccero deals with past attempts to enjoy the poem without revulsion. Coleridge advised us to "suspend disbelief" and enjoy the poetry without accepting the theology. Erich Auerbach suggested we separate "Dante's didactic intent from his power of representation", and held that the reality of the condemned characters overwhelmed their allegorical meaning. Perhaps we should simply remember how Dante suffered from the ruthless power-seeking and political intrigue in Florence and take Hell as an accurate picture of politics today. George Steiner, the distinguished critic and polymath, has suggested in his book In Bluebeard's Castle that the Holocaust is the Christian idea of hell made real and that the most knowledgeable guide to the camps is actually Dante. Robert Pinsky, the recently appointed poet laureate of the United States, was asked to comment on this notion in an interview in The Forward that marked the publication of the poet's acclaimed translation of Dante's Inferno.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Descriptive Essay about Sunset Beach -- Description, narrative, descrip

Ever since Sunset Beach has been officially opened to the public, there has been a drastic increase of tourists present. Television programs concluded that at least a thousand people visit the beach everyday. Reasons for their stay are that they feel comfortable with the environment that surrounds the beach front, people who are at the beach are joyous and numerous activities to enjoy, and the fresh scent of the sparkly waters, make the visitors feel calm and pleasurable. So I decided to take a trip there. As I walked down the sidewalk, my nose picked up the salty scent of the sea breeze. I looked ahead and saw the gleaming beach in the far distance. Before me, the tranquil city along with the endless blue sea sandwiched the golden beach that stretched across for miles. Then my eyes were grasped by the incredible beauty of the city skyscrapers that stood hundreds of meters tall, and they probably had also captured the sight of many other tourists. Some people were jogging and others were bike riding Just as the yellow sun rises from behind the buildings. It’s easy for many people t...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Evaluate the Relative Importance of Domestic and Foreign Affairs in Shaping American Politics in the 1790’s

Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping American politics in the 1790's The American politics and policy were shaped by both domestic and foreign affairs during the 1790’s, though most of the influence came from domestic affairs. During the run of President Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton faced off because of their opposing views of what the government should be like. Hamilton wanted to shape new policies that would improve the economy, but Jefferson felt that one must adhere to anything that the constitution said; strict construction compared to Hamilton’s loose construction. Also, foreign affairs, such as new policies appearing due to the French Revolution and conflicts with Spain became a driving force for shaping American politics. It became very apparent that these affairs had been factors for America’s political success. When Washington was elected as the President in the 1790’s, Alexander Hamilton followed with him. He was soon an influence in most to all domestic affairs, and he used his role as Secretary of Treasury to put in place any plan that he felt was necessary, even if it was controversial. The positive of his plans were that they repaid the debt the United States had collected, but they caused great tension between the North and South. His plan to form a national bank did not sit well with the citizens in America, and it fared even worse with the government leaders. This event seems to be the defining moment that began a split-party government. These two new parties that arose were the Federalist and the Jeffersonian Republicans. They each had different views concerning the Constitution; the Federalist, like Alexander Hamilton, taking the loose construction, and the Jeffersonian Republicans, like Thomas Jefferson, taking the strict construction. The economic changes that were put into place by Hamilton caused many rebellions by the American citizens, and made the government learn the most effective ways to enforce their power of them. This gave the government confidence in their ability to handle their people better than they had years earlier, and they were able to assert their dominance in other forms. The United States domestic affairs escalated as more threatening foreign affairs were on the horizon. The beginning and duration of the French Revolution caused much turmoil in France, but it soon began to affect the United States as well. Tensions between France and America grew so much that war could very well be in the future. Jay’s treaty was an attempt to reconstruct the relationship between the two countries, but along with the XYZ affair, it was also unsuccessful and made the issues even worse. John Adams was now President, and in trying to fix foreign and domestic affairs, institutionalized the Alien and Sedition Acts. This had a great affect on the on foreign and domestic affairs, because the government was now able to determine to position of people in their society. This new act led to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which were domestic affairs that stated the nullification of such laws as the Alien and Sedition Acts was necessary and recommended because it was unconstitutional. The foreign affairs that were taking place between America and Spain were also affecting the politics in America. The Treaty of Sal Lorenzo gave America absolute enforcement of the boundaries and it gave them access to the Mississippi River. These foreign affairs helped to affect the American politics in that time, and for future generations. Foreign affairs such as policies coming about due to the French Revolution and a strained relationship with Spain affected the shaping of American politics, but domestic affairs seem to have affected them more. The conflicts between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton caused many changes in America that are still in place today, and their conflicts are ones that our two parties still face. Though, the government has had much experience in dealing with these problems, and now they can be handled differently than they were in the past.